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San Francisco, USA
ARKit; VR arcades; Human interaction’s future; Gesture recognition; VR advertising; Storyliving; XR marketing; AR eye implants; Dev bootcamp; Microsoft explains MR.
Sansar's Social VR content boom; WMR unboxing; Oculus third party headsets; ARKit the best; EA’s VR pause; Rift > standalone VR; Wingnut AR; VR disrupting industry; Manipulating the mind.
Apple AR; Google Glass 2.0; Spielberg says VR will rule; The smartphone is dying; HoloLens surgery; Game Of Thrones AR; Kart racing in AR.
Is Oculus dead in the water?; Apple user base gives them the advantage over Google; TV and Mixed Reality; 3D laser for iPhone?; Wingnut AR; Mario Kart in VR.
Don’t develop for VR to get rich; How to survive the VR desert; Multi-touch displays anywhere; Google Lens and AI; First VR smartphone; AR firefighting; Ubisoft and AR; Sonic The Hedgehog AR!
Apple’s AR hand gesture patent; Devs move to higher end; Snapchat buys AR IP; Nasdaq; Nike Momofuku; Porn all-in-one hardware.
Apple acquires eye-tracking co?; Alpha Glass AR Kickstarter; Project Cars 2; Gran Turismo Sport; Super Mario; Jobs and AI; ARKit; Health and wellness.
Biggest VR investors; Is VR the future or a trend?; Start-up cockroach mode; Remote troubleshooting; String theory; AR surgery; Procreating In VR; Palmer Luckey; Breaking Bad.
New Tango phone; Next-gen VR mid-2018 on; Softbank buys $4b NVIDIA shares; VR at Cannes and Sundance film festivals; Credit card payments in HMD; Full-body tracking; Chemo palliative VR; Virtually training sports players.
The AI Wars; Content over graphics; UploadVR sued; Magic Leap’s $8b valuation; AR retail; Evangelion; GAME loyalty card; FDA clearance for VR rehab; Tim Sweeney and the Metaverse.
Microsoft says the phone is already dead; What consumers really think about VR; AR glasses will control your eating; Easing pain and anxiety; Historic women; Porn is on the up.
Future of computing; Transforming manufacturing; Asian start-ups; 12-month review; Netflix; SMEs; light-field tech; VR gold mine; Education.
AR/VR investors; Tencent VR; Facebook hardware lab; PS VR Japan; Thriving markets; Virtual touch; Spatial sound; Adobe 360 to true VR.