Every week, we share nine VR stories from around the web that caught our eyes here at TheVirtualReport.biz:
1) Sansar Ignites VR Content Boom
Forbes was ‘amazed’ by its early peek at the social VR, with Sansar VP Bjorn Laurin, and Jason Gholston, Product Director.
2) Unboxing And First Look At The New Microsoft Mixed Reality VR Headset
Developer, Packet39, shares his first impressions of Acer’s WMR hardware.
3) Oculus Wants To “Go big” On Opening Their Platform To Third-party Headsets
Head of Rift, Nate Mitchell, shares his ambition to make the Oculus ecosystem the “epicenter” of VR on PC and its involvement with OpenXR.
4) Why Is ARKit Better Than The Alternatives?
A look at the recent boom in AR demos with ARKit and an understandable explanation of how and why it works.
5) EA’s boss isn’t bullish on mass-market VR
CEO Andrew Wilson says VR is an “unbelievable innovation” but it will take, “A couple of years before it is a mass market opportunity”.
6) Oculus: Standalone VR Won't Be As Good As Rift For At Least Two Years
Head of Rift, Nate Mitchell, says, “We see this first generation Rift having long legs, long lifespan”, content planned throughout 2018 and 2019.
7) Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Augmented Reality?
BBC News interviews Wingnut AR’s Creative Director, Alasdair Coull.
8) 8 Industries Being Disrupted By Virtual Reality
Entrepreneur finds consumer VR ‘little more than a toy but commercial applications are quietly reshaping business’.
9) How Scientists Are Manipulating The Mind With VR
Three experiments from the University of Sussex’s Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science show how virtual reality can help us understand human consciousness.