
Facebook/Meta fires the first direct shots in the forthcoming metaverse wars with Apple
Menlo Massive calls out Cupertino Corps in a bid to court creators and the architects of the future

Apple's ARKit 2 offers shared experiences
Persistent Augmented Reality lets users share experiences and continue where they left off

AR+ Comes To Pokémon GO
Apple’s ARKit enables new update, which brings true AR to the wildly popular mobile title.

Unity Technologies Announce VR Tools Fully-functional For iMac Pro
Leading Virtual Reality engine optimised to work on new Apple hardware and software.

Apple Releases VR Capable iMac Pro
The £5,000 price tag is daunting, but the new iMac is a beast when it comes to VR.

Apple AR Patents Granted
The new patents, relating to compositing an AR scene, signal another success for Apple’s AR future.

Apple CEO Says No AR Glasses Soon
Tim Cook says the technology 'Doesn't exist... in a quality way'.

iPhone AR Camera Details Leaked
Apple internal software update for HomePod goes public, reveals clues about iPhone’s AR future.

Apple To Release AR-Ready iPhone 8 This September?
Earnings call reveals projected sales figures that point to new iPhone hardware.