Welcome to your Monday morning briefing of the six most read stories on TheVirtualReport.biz in the last week.
Six Of The Best
The top six trending stories on The Virtual Report right now:
1) Million Dollar Babies: The XR Studios That Are Smashing It!
With VR – and even more so AR and MR – still in its infancy, the list of studios who have broken the million-dollar barrier is short, but distinguished. Let’s look at the members of this most exclusive club...
2) The Best Apple ARKit Test Projects [UPDATE: 4th August]
The general public won’t have long to wait to see what AR developers have been cooking up in ARKit; here are some of our favourite experimental project videos so far.
3) Focal Point: How Can Indie Devs Make Money From VR?
Our panel of industry experts identify revenue streams for start-ups and studios of all sizes working in VR, AR and MR.
4) Two Out Of Three nVidia Edge Winners Are VR Projects
Epic games has announced the first winners of its new monthly contest and VR is well represented already.
5) Sansar Social VR Now In Creator Beta
The public can now create virtual experiences to sit alongside professional work in social VR service from Second Life developers.
6) MARS 2030 Uses Satellite Data To Build Its World
FMG Studios’ first VR experience takes users to another world.
Six Of The Rest
These all-time all-star stories are some of the most popular articles from The Virtual Report archives:
- Feature: 25 VR Developers To Watch
- Feature: The Size Of The VR Consumer Market (Updated, 3rd March)
- Videos: VR University Sessions At VR Connects San Francisco 2017
- News: VR Indie Pitch San Francisco Winners
- Feature: From Hydrographer To Total Art: One Developer’s Journey From Surveying To Synesthesia
- Feature: VR’s Potential To Change The Human Race