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San Francisco, USA
The highlights, biggest news and hottest topics from the world of VR, AR and MR business in the last seven days.
Microsoft can beat Apple and Google at AR; WMR to beat VR; ARKit app previews; AR in comms; Game control by brain; Mental health; NASA astronaut training; Real estate; AR at events.
Your Monday morning briefing of the six most read stories on Magic Leap; True cost of VR; VR Indie Pitch Helsinki; WEARVR partnership; Google ARCore; Will HTC sell Vive division?
Cut-price Vive; Magic Leap images; The cost of VR; Star Wars AR; Prototyping; Facebook’s new head of hardware.
EVE: Valkyrie expansion; James Cameron; Blackberry and Vuzix; NFL’s 49ers; Intu retail trials; AR wine shopping; Lab animals in VR; Bucket lists fulfilled.
Your Monday morning briefing of the six most read stories on Collaboration crucial for VR; XR in construction; VR casinos; PSVR Aim gun mod; AR bar; Guns of Boom AR.
Snap falls 17%; Why VR and AR are the same; SIGGRAPH; AR Subtitles; VR in the classroom; Philippines news; Tron 3; Augmented Virtuality; Real estate.
iPhone AR leak; Firefox WebVR; Unreal ARKit; London VR workspace; nVidia live 360 stitching; Coldplay live; EVE: Valkyrie Oculus Touch; VR Awards; MakeVR Pro; 360 video investment.
ARKit; VR arcades; Human interaction’s future; Gesture recognition; VR advertising; Storyliving; XR marketing; AR eye implants; Dev bootcamp; Microsoft explains MR.
Your Monday morning briefing of the six most read recent stories on VR’s $1m games; The best ARKit videos; Make money from VR; nVidia Edge winners; Sansar open beta; Using satellite data to model Mars.
Apple iGlasses; Sansar beta; AltspaceVR closes; iPhone 8 September?; HP Backpack PC; nVidia Edge winners; Brain-Computer Interfaces; Best ARKit videos; Making money from XR; XR Connects Helsinki.
Sansar's Social VR content boom; WMR unboxing; Oculus third party headsets; ARKit the best; EA’s VR pause; Rift > standalone VR; Wingnut AR; VR disrupting industry; Manipulating the mind.
$1m XR games; AltspaceVR to close; Lenovo standalone AR; VR Connects San Francisco videos; HoloLens 2.0; Ready Player One trailer; New PS VR games; All-in-one Vive for China; Within’s $40m funding.
Apple AR; Google Glass 2.0; Spielberg says VR will rule; The smartphone is dying; HoloLens surgery; Game Of Thrones AR; Kart racing in AR.