Justin Roiland, creator of Rick & Morty on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim will deliver Saturday’s Keynote Address at VRLA, the largest virtual and augmented reality event in the world. The expo will take place April 14-15, 2017 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and will include demos, educational sessions, experimental work and presentations. The exhibit floor will feature industry-leading hardware and software developers, content creators, and bleeding-edge prototype technology that can only be seen at VRLA. Registration is currently open, with the business-focused 2-Day Pro Pass at $299 and a 1-Day Pass for Saturday priced at $40.
Squanchtendo Speaks
Roiland, the “Rick & Morty” creator and newly-minted founder of the VR studio Squanchtendo aims to dive into the surreally funny possibilities of the medium in his keynote, remarking "What does the future of VR hold? Will there be more wizard games? Are grandmas real? What IS a wizard really? Are there wizard grandmas? How does this factor into VR? I did all this (simple) math and then made a power point presentation that I **think** maaaayyybe has these questions (and more) all figured out. Please come to my incredible keynote address on the state of VR! You juuuust might learn something, maybe, I don't know. I can't make any promises on that because you may already know everything.”
Event co-founder John Root said, “This is the third year of VRLA, and with each event we’ve grown in size and scope. It’s so exciting to serve both the industry and developers who make this whole thing go, as well as the VR-curious enthusiasts who want to see what it’s all about. That we can put Justin Roiland on the same stage as some of the industry’s greatest technical thinkers is a treat, and a testament to the support the community has shown us”.
Indie Zone
VRLA is currently accepting applications for its Indie Zone, which offers complimentary exhibition space to innovative small teams who have raised less than $500,000 in venture capital funding, or generated less than less than that amount in revenue. Click here to apply.