There probably isn’t a VR developer that hasn’t met Chet Faliszek – especially if they work on Vive titles. Faliszek took up the mantle of VR Ambassador at Valve, after writing games such as Half Life 2, Portal and Left 4 Dead. Since then, he has been a regular face at VR events and has offered his support to countless VR start-ups around the world.
The news that Faliszek has decided to leave Valve after 12 years was first published yesterday by Speaking to them about his departure, Faliszek said that it was, “Nothing exciting or drama filled. I worked there 12 years, shipped a bunch of great games and some amazing hardware and wanted to change things up." He's since posted on his personal Twitter account that, "I was with Valve for 12+ years, but a fan for even longer. Can't wait to play what is coming next."
We don’t know what his next move will be, but we’ll definitely be keeping an eye out...