Virtuix, creators of the Omni VR treadmill, have cancelled all international pre-orders for the device. Those who pre-ordered the product outside of the US will be refunded with an interest amount of 3% per year, compounded monthly.
Virtuix made this public comment on the product’s Kickstarter:
“We currently do not know if, when, or how the Omni will ever be available to consumers internationally. We have to admit that the current version of the Omni no longer looks like a typical consumer product but more like a robust commercial device. Our long-term vision is still to have a VR setup with the Omni in every household. That is our mission. But it’ll take us some more time, and a next-generation Omni, to get there.”
The company explained that the main problem is, “Not the initial delivery of the units and accessories (albeit costly and complicated, but manageable), but handling and servicing customers and units all over the world”, which has been, “Nearly insurmountable for a small company like ours and a big and complex product like the Omni.”
The Omni consists of a large, bowl-like treadmill system, that the user stands in with a pair of special Omni shoes and a harness. The system allows VR users to run and turn on the spot, as their movements are simulated within a VR experience. Of course, gamers and VR enthusiasts took to the concept immediately, raising over $1 million on Omni’s Kickstarter. This level of funding however, resulted in a far more complex and expensive design than originally intended, making international shipping regulations and costs unmanageable for Virtuix.
Whilst this is sad news for international backers, Virtuix has not announced any changes for US shipping plans, which are still on track.