
VR Indie Pitch @ VR Connects London 2017
Jan 16th - 17th 2017

VR Indie Pitch @ VR Connects London 2017

London, UK

Date & Times: Monday, January 16th - 17th 2017
9am to 7pm
Location: London, United Kingdom
Region: Europe
Expected Size: 50 - 100
Ticket Cost: FREE
Target Audience: Developers, Indie Developers
Event Type: Conference
Featured Platforms: Android, Augmented Reality, Console, iOS, Virtual Reality, Windows, Windows Phone

With virtual reality becoming an ever greater part of our industry, Steel Media has decided to launch a brand new developer competition: The VR Indie Pitch!

Much like The Very Big Indie Pitch, which will be happening at the same time, the VR Indie Pitch will be a developer pitching competition open to all types of independent developers working on virtual reality games for any platform.

What? When?

The VR Indie Pitch will take place as a part of both Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017, and the inaugural VR Connects London 2017, on January 16th & 17th.

The event is simple. The unique speed dating format gives each developer ten minutes with our panel of experts, meaning entrants will get real feedback from the event. 

This event will work slightly differently from our Big Indie Pitch format though, and pitchers will be given ten minutes to pitch their game to the judges.

Judges will include a mix of industry experts, VR developers, and leading journalists.

We'll also reward the top developers with a share of a promotional prize which is yet to be announced.

But how do I enter?

Not sure if your game's eligible? Well:

  • You can pitch games for any type of VR, whether it be mobile, PC or console.
  • You can pitch your game even if you've pitched it at a previous BIP.
  • We prefer to see unreleased games, though we're happy to see games that are out too.
  • Your game doesn’t have to be completed, as we welcome games in development.
  • Deadline for entries is midnight on Janauray 6th (entry details below).

Sound good? In order to pitch your game at the inaugural VR Indie Pitch, simply head over to the Pocket Gamer Business Network and REGISTER YOUR GAME with us.

We’ll then get in touch closer to the event and confirm whether you have received a place on the pitch.

NOTE: Shorlisted entries receive TWO FREE passes to PGC London 2017 & VR Connects London 2017. Non-shortlisted entries still qualify for a discounted PGC ticket.

What’s more, regardless of whether you’re pitching or simply just spectating, don't forget your business cards as they’ll more than enough chance to get in some valuable networking.


Steve Takle - Editor (The Virtual Report), Steel Media (Pocket Gamer / The Virtual Report)
David Bradley - Editorial Operations Manager, Steel Media (Pocket Gamer / The Virtual Report)
Albert (Bertie) Millis - Managing Director, Virtual Umbrella
Dan Da Rocha - Founder, Toxic Games
Alexey Menshikov - Founder and CEO, Beatshapers


The Brewery
52 Chiswell Street
United Kingdom

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